
How many Handicap Stalls Should A Parking Lot Have?

Handicapped Parking Guidelines: Our customers know how important it is to provide handicap access, but often parking lots seem to have too many, or even worse, too few stalls for the handicapped.   What’s the right number?   It’s actually a formula based on the number...

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Factors that Affect a Paved Surface

Nothing lasts forever, and if you live anywhere near Macadam Company, Inc., then you've seen what a rough winter could do to a parking lot, asphalt or concrete area. Weather is just one factor that will affect your pavement’s lifecycle. Here’s some more! Initial...

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Quick Questions (and Answers!) on your Newly Paved Surface!

It’s spring in the Northeast, and you know what that means… it’s time to fix your parking lot! Our crews (and machines) are ready to roll, but in the meanwhile, we thought we’d answer a few questions regarding a newly paved or sealed surface! How soon can I use my...

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Asphalt and Macadam, or is it McAdam?

Did you know that Asphalt covers almost 94 percent of the paved roads in the United States? It’s the surface of choice for parking lots, driveways, racetracks, airport runways, tennis courts; anywhere that a smooth, hard-wearing surface is required. Laying and...

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